KFN Registration Form My Name First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Select your preferred method of contact Phone Email Social Media Account No contact for now Do you have a local fellowship that you attend? Select Do you have a local fellowship that you attend? Yes No If YES! What is the name and address of your local fellowship? Are you interested in moderating in our Morning Glory Room? Select Are you interested in moderating in our Morning Glory Room? Yes No If Yes, please specify additional information. Which Day/s? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Number of hours Can you specify the time Your time zone Check the Spiritual Gifts and/or Practical Gifts that apply to you. Administration Discerning of Spirits Evangelism Exhortation/Encouragement Faith Giving Helps Hospitality Knowledge Leadership Mercy Service Teaching Wisdom Intercessor Diverse Tongues (This is not regarding prayer language) Interpretation of Tongues Miracles 5-Fold (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher) I’m not sure What are your business interests? What did you like best when visiting our rooms? Which of our rooms did you visit? (Check all that apply) 24/7 Glory “The Gathering” Young Adult Health & Well Being Wisdom Other Rooms not on the list What's your Birthdate? Submit